Sunday, April 30, 2006

I'm so behind!

WOW! I've got some catching up to do here! We've been away, have tons of laundry to do , a gazillion errands to run, many posts to make on message boards and lots of scrapbooking to get done too!
We had a wonderful time visiting family and the kids enjoyed themselves immensely. Now we just have to get back into that regular routine of life again and it hasn't been an easy task these last few days.
Good thing tomorrow is the start of a new week. Well, I should run - got lots to do still! (I'll try to post some pics later on ).


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Glad you're back, Cari and glad you had a wonderful time visiting family.

    Were you out here? ;)

  2. I'm so happy that you're home! I've totally missed chatting with you!

    Hows that mountain of laundry? I've got a ton to do as well, and I don't even have an excuse! ;)
