He is risen indeed!!!
What a wonderful day today is! Today we celebrate that Christ rose from the grave.
The other day I went for a run/walk and was listening to some music as I ran and some of the words of the songs almost brought me to tears as I realized the price that Christ paid for me. The fact that He rose from the dead now means that I will have eternal life with Him one day. What an incredible gift! Thank you Lord.
We'll be heading to church this morning to celebrate this day and then we're looking forward to brunch with family. It's always a wonderful time together.
On Friday (as I'd mentioned earlier) we colored some eggs with the kids. I tried something different. If you put oil, vinegar, food coloring and water in a glass all mixed up you can get a marbelized effect on your eggs. It's pretty cool. And it probably would have worked better had I remembered to tell the kids that after each dip into a color they needed to wipe the egg with a paper towel. Oh well, they had fun and their hands were well moisturized afterwards!!

Kailyn & her cousin also baked some cupcakes on Friday. They had fun doing that. Plus they were very yummy!

I wanted to remind you that starting tomorrow (and Tues & Wed) Imaginisce is having 3 days of fabuous projects as we reveal some of the new i-rocks!!! There's going to be many fabulous projects shown .... plus I'm sure there will be some give aways as well (as Imaginisce is always so great at that!) So don't forget to check it out!!
Happy Easter.
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