
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I can't believe that it's over already. I must admit that the excitement of Christmas Eve is my most favorite time of the year. I do love Christmas Day too but in the back of my mind I know that the day, the excitement, etc will soon be over.

We did however, have a wonderful time with Tim's family on Christmas Eve and enjoyed spending time together. We had turkey dinner #1 here and after opening presents and playing we took a long awaited family picture.

Christmas Day was with my side of the family and laughed lots and enjoyed one another. After many months of us keeping a secret my folks finally were able to surprise all the grandkids with an awesome Christmas present of .... a trip to Disneyland!!!
I must admit that we're all very excited to be going ... even the adults! (thus our facial expressions!)
What a crazy bunch huh?

Hope you had a great Christmas.
Wishing you all the best for 2012!


  1. Merry Christmas Cari!!!! Have fun in Disneyland next year!! I think we are going to do the same thing for Christmas 2012. My kids don't need anything and it would be a great way to spend the holiday. Nobody does Christmas like Disney!!!

  2. Merry Christmas! What an awesome gift and I love both pictures! Beautiful family !

  3. Merry Christmas. Beautiful pictures. Hope you have an amazing family trip!

  4. LOVE the pictures...what fun!

  5. LOVE IT Cari.....Great pic and I'm super excited for's one of our families' fave places too !!! xo
