Friday, January 27, 2012

Imaginisce Design Team

I'm excited to be a part of the Imaginisce 2012 Design Team and thrilled to be leading the team as DT Coordinator! I'd love for you to pop on over to the Imaginisce blog today as I'm sharing a few things about me that you may not know.

Our team this year is filled with many new faces and it's been fun to get to know them this past month. They are a talented bunch and I'm looking forward to seeing all what they will create over the next few months.

I hope that you'll join us on the Imaginisce blog in February as we've got some fun projects to share. Next week we'll be posting our Monthly challenge - hope you'll play along!

Here's a little peek of my project for the new monthly challenge.

Have a super weekend!


  1. awesome, Cari!!!
    BIG congrats to you!!!! :)

  2. Congrats!! They are so lucky to have you!!

  3. Love the peek *wink* :)
