
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

12 years ago ...

I gave birth to a beautiful little baby girl via c-section. (sorry pics are all on negatives & I'm typing this late and am too lazy to scan them right now!!)
Once all the drugs finally wore off (and as my husband tells it I was pretty much out of it for hours) I could not stop staring at our precious new blessing.

(age 3 1/2 or 4, I think)
I truly cannot believe that it has been 12 years already.
Why has the time just zipped by so quickly?
The scarier thing is that the next 12 will go by even faster, I'm sure!

Anyways, ... my sweet Kailyn is growing up to be a beautiful young lady and I want to wish her the 'bestest' of birthdays today!!

I love your laughter & giggles.
I love your smile.
I love your creativity.
I love your enthusiasm.
I love your desire to be the best you can be.
I love your generosity.
I love your sense of humor.
I love your hugs.

I love YOU so VERY much pumpkin!
Happy 12th Birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday gorgeous girl! x

  2. Happy Happy Birthday!!! (and yes, the next 12 yrs go at warp speed.. speaking from experience. My oldest is 24).

  3. I love Kailyn too and I love you, Dad
