
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

'tis the Season ....

Life has been busy around here lately.
Lots of school activities and holiday traditions this month.

For example the kids had so much fun decorating the gingerbread house.
In fact, they did it entirely by themselves!!

Here's the proud designers!

We also went & got our tree last weekend.
It's always a fun experience ... well usually.  If it takes forever to find the perfect tree then some of us get a wee bit tired. But thankfully it was a beautiful day ... and no rain!


Time to warm up with some hot chocolate!

And, here's our decorated tree ... which again the kids did most of.
I just love this time of year!!


  1. Gorgeous tree!! Love all the lights on it!

  2. Your children are so sweet! I love their rosy cheeks.

    Well, you go tme, Cari. I made a paper wreath of my own using some old MME paper! LOL Who knew I would be making more rosettes.
