
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

i-Top & Knitting

Who would have thought they'd go together? But oh! They do!!

My grandmother knit all the time. I loved watching her because she was so quick.  She taught my mother to knit and my mother taught me to knit when I was around 10 or 11 years of age. I loved it and began knitting sweaters from cable designs to fair-isle patterns. I loved the intricate detail.
I then got into other hobbies over the years and knitting was put aside until this past winter when I decided it was time to pick it up again. I began knitting a large afghan to warm up with while we sit on the couch.

Anyways, ... as I was thinking of what to create for the i-top Button feature on the Imaginisce blog I decided to knit a cup warmer/cozy.

I used some fun chunky wool and knit a strip, then crocheted a cream edge to it. I sewed the edges together and then covered the Button Daddies with some gray felt. I then sewed those onto the finished knitted warmer.

If you need some more ideas on how to use the i-top Buttons make sure to check out the Imaginisce blog because there's some amazing ideas this entire week and next week! You will definitely find inspiration!

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