
Saturday, June 21, 2014

It's been 3 years now.

Wow!! It's over!!!

I can't believe that it's been 3 years since I scared my children and family.  It was a day that I thought would and could NEVER happen to me.
I had a heart attack.  I actually had what the doctors called a Spontaneous Artery Dissection.

I blogged about it a few days after the actual event so if you want you can read about it HERE.
I still have a hard time believing that it happened.  Seems so surreal.

Anyways, I'm so very thankful to God that I am here and able to take care of my family (even though it can be very trying at times because of my low level of patience!! Haha!)

I'm thankful, too, that school is now finished.  Kailyn was done last week and the boys just finished this past Thursday.
For the past few years it been a fun tradition that I take them to Wendy's for lunch (because they would finish at noon).  But we had various appointments that day so it ended up being yesterday.

I'm hoping to make lots of great memories with my kiddos this summer - it gets harder as they get older because their interests change and I'm finding that they don't all want to do the same thing. Hopefully we'll get it all figured out.

I hope that you all have a great weekend!


  1. So glad you are healthy and have not had a repeat of 3 years ago,. You are much too young and healthy to have any "heart problems"!! Enjoy your summer, and yes, as the kids get older, they have different interests so be prepared! :)

  2. So glad you are healthy and enjoying life. Cause if anyone deserves the best it is you girlie!
    Luv ya! <3

  3. Wow, what a story! The Lord has really blessed you, so glad you are still here with us.
