Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I can't believe how grown up she is getting!! Every day something new makes me realize that my baby girl, my first born is growing older and becoming a young lady. (well, not quite but we're getting there.
She got some princess books for Christmas that have exercises in them like Reading, Math, Spelling, etc. Last night while I was making supper she took out the Math book and started doing the first pages. Wow!!! I was super impressed with my girl!!! She was actually doing math questions and she's not doing this in school yet. Yes I was very proud of her. (now, please not that I explained some of the questions to her on Christmas Day but that was the only time) So, not only is she smart (in my humble opinion) but she's got an incredible memory, too!

Last week, she would ask me every day (no exaggeration here either!!) ... every day ... when do I get to go back to school?? She just loves her teacher, her friends there and the various activities that they do. I am so happy that she enjoys kindergarten. Now let's just hope that continues on 10 years down the road!!!

(for those of you who've been to our house you'll notice that she's sitting on a new leather couch!!!! That's right!! This was our Christmas present to ourselves. That & a new chair to match!!!)

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