Sunday, December 09, 2007

I started it!!

Well, after days & days of admiring Ali Edwards December (day by day) album I finally decided to start my own.

I'll post some more pictures later (when I get some decent shots). But here's the cover.

I managed to get finished up to today. Hopefully I can get some more pages started so that it will be easier to fill in as the days go by. That's my plan at least.
I'm using the new Scenic Route Roxbury collection (LOVE IT!!), some Hambly stuff, and some odds & ends lying around here.

I just love the idea of recording things from each day of the month. Plus I've never ever been good at scrapbooking pictures from Christmas. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because Christmas Eve photos never turn out that great for me, Christmas morning pictures all look the same with half awake faces & dressed in our p.j's opening up presents (quite a sight I tell ya!!), and then it's often just too cold to take pictures outside.

But, this year, I've been taking more pictures. Pictures of my decorations, baking, the tree (I still can't seem to get a decent one of the tree though), my Christmas crafts, the snowy weather. I do need to get some more pictures of the kids playing outside it's just been too cold for them to be playing right now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Love you album! And it was lovely to meet you last night!
