Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Morning!!

Well, it's strangely quiet around.  My in-laws came over for dinner last night and took our kids for a sleep over at their place. Hubby & I had a nice evening, went for a walk by the ocean because it was just a perfect night.
I would have loved to have slept in but forgot it was Monday morning and that's when they lawnmowers & weedwackers start around here! It's kind of nice to not have to do it ourselves but it can be annoying when it starts at 7:30 am!! Oh well.  It got me out of bed and I went for a run.  Feeling rather sluggish but I did it and now I feel better.

I've got a bunch of layouts that I want to share with you that were published in the newest issues of Canadian Scrapbooker (but I'll just start today with a couple). Gotta save some for other posts. 

Here are the layoust that are in the Fall issue of CS. It's a fabulous issue packed full of inspiration and amazing projects!

"A New Place"
"Driving Like Daddy"
"My Bucket List"

Oh, and don't forget to check out the Canadian Scrapbooker website on September 1st for the Photography course by Sue Sykes!! You won't want to miss out on this!

Ok, off to have a shower and then start working on some more assignments!


  1. Don't you just hate those noise early in the morning!? Sounds like the rest of your time was relaxing. Love your layouts.

  2. Love the bucket list one Cari, I've been meaning to do one of those, great grid style!

  3. Got my copy of CSM in the mail other your work..our lawn mowers and weed wackers go on
